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Collégiale Saint-Barthélemy de Liège

La collégiale Saint-Barthélemy, une des sept collégiales de Liège, fut fondée au début du 11ème siècle par Godescalc de Morialmé, grand prévôt de Saint-Lambert. C'est en 1015, sous le règne du successeur de Notger, le Prince-Evêque Baldéric II, que la collégiale fut consacrée. Elle s'achèvera à la seconde moitié du 12ème siècle par la construction du "westbau". Au 18ème siècle, elle sera entièrement redécorée en baroque et la façade du massif occidental sera percée d'un portail néoclassique. Enfin, en 1993, débutent les fouilles archéologiques et la restauration, d'abord, de l'intérieur du "westbau" puis de l'extérieur et enfin des nefs.

Les deux tours de Saint-Barthélemy se trouvent sur le chemin de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, que vous pouvez suivre grâce aux coquilles en bronze incrustées dans le sol et qui permettent aux pèlerins d'admirer les plus beaux monuments de Liège.

L'équipe de la Collégiale Saint-Barthélemy vous accueille du lundi au samedi, de 10h à 12h et de 14h à 17h, ainsi que le dimanche de 14h à 17h.

La Collégiale ainsi que les Fonts Baptismaux sont accessibles aux personnes à mobilité réduite.

Tarif (payement uniquement en cash)

Uniquement pour la visite des fonts baptismaux
Adultes : 2,00 €
Seniors (à partir de 65 ans) : 1,50 €
Groupes : 1,50 €
Étudiants (en-dessous de 30 ans) : 1,00 €
Enfants en-dessous de 12 ans : Gratuit

L'accès à la collégiale et aux Fonts baptismaux est gratuit pour les groupes scolaires du primaire, du secondaire et de l'enseignement supérieur situés sur le territoire de la ville de Liège et accompagnés de leur(s) enseignant(e)(s), à qui la gratuité est également accordée.

Cet accès est possible durant les heures d'ouverture consacrées aux visites de la collégiale. Des guides bénévoles sont mis gracieusement à la disposition des visiteurs.

Venez découvrir ce joyaux du patrimoine architectural liégeois et ses célèbres fonts baptismaux. N'hésitez pas à consulter le site du millénaire de la collégiale et l'agenda des activités programmées pour l'occasion sur http://st-barthelemy-liege-2015.be/fr/

Strong points

  • A reference person is present to welcome and accompany the persons with special needs.
  • There is staff available to direct and guide.
  • The structure of the location is simple and makes it possible to find the way and orient oneself easily.
  • It is possible to drop a person off near the entrance.
  • The building is easy to find.

Points of attention

  • There is no specific map available (indicating the accessible pathways and equipment).

Strong points

  • There is at least 1 reserved parking space less than 100 metres from the entrance.
  • The reserved parking spaces are properly indicated.
  • The reserved parking spaces are sufficiently big and horizontal.
  • The passage width of the doors measures at least 85 cm.
Access road from the car park
  • All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
  • There is no step to negotiate.
  • The floor is regular and free of obstacles.
Access road from the street
  • All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
  • There is no step to negotiate.
  • The floor is regular and free of obstacles.
  • The floor is hard.
  • The building is easy to identify.
  • The main entrance is accessible.
  • The passage width of the doors measures at least 85 cm.
  • The free space in front of the counter is sufficiently big.
  • The lighting is sufficient.
  • There is staff available to help negotiate obstacles.
Horizontal circulation
  • The steps can be bypassed by a well-indicated alternative pathway.
  • The floor is hard.
  • The floor is regular and free of obstacles.
  • The width of the hallways is sufficient.
  • The width of the pathways is sufficient.
  • All the content of the exhibition is accessible and visible.
  • There is a ramp that is difficult to negotiate but the staff is available to help.

Points of attention

  • The surface of the parking space is not adapted.
  • The ramp is not secured on the void side.
  • The access path has a super-elevation.
  • The location is complex and there is no adapted map available.
  • The entrance is hard to identify.
  • There is no doorbell at the entrance and the staff does not see the persons wanting to enter.
  • The staff does not see the persons who arrive.
  • The doors can be crossed with help.
  • The counter is too high.
Vertical circulation
  • There is no lift.
Adapted sanitary
  • There is no adapted toilet.
  • The toilet is not properly equipped.

Strong points

  • There is at least 1 reserved parking space less than 100 metres from the entrance.
  • There is at least 1 parking space less than 50 metres from the entrance.
  • The reserved parking spaces are properly indicated.
  • The reserved parking spaces are sufficiently big and horizontal.
  • It is possible to drop a person off near the entrance.
Access road from the car park
  • There are seats along the pathway.
  • There is no step to negotiate.
  • The floor is regular and free of obstacles.
Access road from the street
  • There are seats along the pathway.
  • All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
  • There is no step to negotiate.
  • The floor is regular and free of obstacles.
  • The floor is regular.
  • The floor is hard.
  • The building is easy to identify.
  • The main entrance is accessible.
  • There is no step in the entrance.
  • The passage width of the doors measures at least 85 cm.
  • Seats are available near the reception.
  • The lighting is sufficient.
Wainting room
  • There are seats.
Horizontal circulation
  • There is no step to negotiate.
  • Circulation is easy everywhere.
  • The floor is regular and free of obstacles.
  • The width of the hallways is sufficient.
  • The width of the pathways is sufficient.
  • All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
  • There are seats along the pathway.
  • All the content of the exhibition is accessible.
  • There are seats in every space of the exhibition.

Points of attention

  • The entrance is hard to identify.
  • There is no doorbell at the entrance and the staff does not see the persons wanting to enter.
  • The staff does not see the persons who arrive.
Vertical circulation
  • There is no lift.
Adapted sanitary
  • There is no adapted toilet.

Strong points

Guide dog
  • Assistance dogs are accepted.
  • The reception is located in the logical continuation of the pathway.
  • Adapted guided tours are organised upon reservation.
  • It is possible to touch reproductions of works.

Points of attention

  • The entrance is hard to find.
Vertical circulation
  • The staircases are not secure.
  • There is at least one non-secured ramp in the logical pathway.

Strong points

  • A reference person is present to welcome the persons with special needs.
  • The reception is located in the logical continuation of the pathway.
  • Adapted guided tours are organised upon reservation.

Points of attention

  • The entrance is hard to find.

Strong points

  • The building is easy to find.
  • The reception is easy to find and close to the entrance.
  • A map of the location is distributed at the reception.

Points of attention

  • There is no staff member practicing sign language.
  • There is no easy to read support.
  • There is no adapted fire alarm system (light or vibration).

Strong points

  • The building is easy to find.
  • The reception is located in a quiet environment.
  • The reception is easy to find and close to the entrance.
  • A map of the location is distributed at the reception.

Points of attention

  • There is no easy to read support.

Strong points

  • The reception is calm.
  • The reception is easy to find and close to the entrance.
  • There is staff available to direct and guide.

Points of attention

  • The entrance is hard to find.
  • There is no easy to read support.
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