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Collégiale Sainte-Waudru

The collegiate church of Sainte-Waudru was first built in the 15th century. It is home to stained glass windows, sculptures and the famous Car d'Or, which is brought out every year during the Mons ducasse.

The collegiate church houses the Treasure of Sainte-Waudru, a collection of religious objects. This space is not part of the main function of the site, and the accessibility levels presented here do not take it into account.

The entrance to the treasury is very narrow (60 cm wide), making it impossible to get through in a chair. There are areas of shadow and glare. 

The accessible entrance is on the side of the north portal (Rampe Sainte-Waudru). To open the large door, you must inform the sacristan in advance. He is available by telephone.

Strong points

  • The structure of the location is simple and makes it possible to find the way and orient oneself easily.
  • It is possible to drop a person off near the entrance.
  • The building is easy to find.

Points of attention

  • The signage is not adapted and does not make it possible to orient oneself easily.
  • There is no adapted plan of the premises.
  • There is no specific map available (indicating the accessible pathways and equipment).

It is possible to enter the church, but you need to telephone the sacristan (+32 65 33.73.75) beforehand to have the large door opened. 

There are a few steps in the church, which can be negotiated using small wooden ramps (80 cm wide).

The treasury is not accessible by chair as the entrance is 60 cm wide.

There are reserved parking spaces less than 100m away, but they are at the bottom of a steep cobbled slope. There is a drop-off point in front of the north entrance.

Strong points

  • There is at least 1 reserved parking space less than 100 metres from the entrance.
  • The reserved parking spaces are properly indicated.
  • The reserved parking spaces are sufficiently big and horizontal.
  • It is possible to drop a person off near the entrance.
Access road from the car park
  • All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
  • There is no step to negotiate.
  • The floor is hard.
Access road from the street
  • All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
  • There is no step to negotiate.
  • The floor is hard.
  • The building is easy to identify.
  • The entrance is easy to identify.
  • There is no step in the entrance.
Horizontal circulation
  • The floor is hard.
  • The floor is regular and free of obstacles.
  • The width of the hallways is sufficient.
  • The structure of the location is simple and makes it possible to find the way and orient oneself easily.
Adapted sanitary
  • The adapted toilet is easy to find.
  • There is an accessible sink in the adapted toilet.
  • The function of the space is displayed on each door.
  • The majority of the content of the exhibition is accessible and visible.

Points of attention

Access road from the car park
  • The access path has a significant super-elevation.
  • The floor is irregular.
Access road from the street
  • The access path has a significant super-elevation.
  • The floor is irregular.
  • The main entrance is not accessible and the alternative entrance is hard to find.
  • There are several entrances and they are not all accessible.
  • The staff does not see the persons who arrive.
  • Help is needed to open the door.
  • The passage width of the door measures less than 80 cm.
  • The signage is not adapted and does not make it possible to orient oneself easily.
Horizontal circulation
  • There is a step to negotiate.
  • Some transit areas are too narrow.
  • The passage width of the door measures less than 80 cm.
  • The ramp is not secured on the void side.
  • There is at least one ramp that is difficult to negotiate.
  • The lighting is not continuous.
Adapted sanitary
  • There is an adapted toilet, but it is difficult to access.
  • The toilet is not properly equipped.
  • The key to the toilet must be requested from the staff.
  • The sink is not easily accessible.
  • The door is heavy.

There are reserved parking spaces less than 100m away, but they are at the bottom of a steep cobbled slope.  However, it is possible to park in front of the north entrance.

For assistance, please contact the sacristan on +32 65 33.73.75.

Strong points

  • There is at least 1 reserved parking space less than 100 metres from the entrance.
  • There is at least 1 parking space less than 50 metres from the entrance.
  • The reserved parking spaces are properly indicated.
  • It is possible to drop a person off near the entrance.
Access road from the car park
  • All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
Access road from the street
  • All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
  • The entrance is easy to identify.
  • The building is easy to identify.
  • The alternative entrance is permanently open.
Wainting room
  • There are seats.
Horizontal circulation
  • Circulation is easy almost everywhere.
  • The floor is hard.
  • The floor is regular and free of obstacles.
  • Most of the transit areas are sufficiently large.
  • There are seats along the pathway.
Adapted sanitary
  • There is a sink in the adapted toilet.
  • The adapted toilet is easy to find.
  • The passage width of the door measures at least 85 cm.
  • The majority of the content of the exhibition is accessible.
  • There are seats in every space of the exhibition.

Points of attention

Access road from the car park
  • There are no seats along the pathway.
  • The access path has a significant super-elevation.
  • The floor is irregular.
  • The floor is hardly passable.
  • The access path towards the alternative entrance is badly signalled.
Access road from the street
  • There are no seats along the pathway.
  • The access path has a significant super-elevation.
  • The floor is irregular.
  • The access path towards the alternative entrance is badly signalled.
  • There is no doorbell at the entrance and the staff does not see the persons wanting to enter.
  • The main entrance is not accessible.
  • The passage width of the doors measures less than 80 cm.
  • Help is needed to open the door.
Horizontal circulation
  • There are some steps without handrail.
  • The width of one or more circulations is insufficient.
  • The ramp is not equipped with a handrail.
  • The lighting is not continuous.
  • The signage is insufficient for orientation.
Adapted sanitary
  • The key to the toilet must be requested from the staff.
  • The door is heavy.

An online audio guide is available (via 3G) on the history of the church, but without audio description of the visual elements. QR codes must be scanned to access the information. Self-guided tours are not possible.

Strong points

  • The entrance is easy to identify.
  • The doors can be easily crossed in autonomy.
  • The location is structured in a simple and intuitive way.
  • An reference person is available upon prior request.
Horizontal circulation
  • The location is structured in a simple and intuitive way.

Points of attention

Access road from the car park
  • The staircases are not secured.
Access road from the street
  • The staircases are not secured.
  • The entrance is hard to find.
  • There is no doorbell at the entrance and the staff does not see the persons wanting to enter.
  • The staff does not see the persons who arrive and can‘t offer assistance.
Horizontal circulation
  • There are no guide-lines in the large pathways.
  • There are dangerous objects in the pathway.
  • There is at least one non-secured step in the logical pathway.
  • There is at least one non-secured ramp in the logical pathway.
  • The pathway presents punctually a passage height of less than 2m.
  • The passage height measures less than 2 m.
  • There is at least one non-secured ramp in the logical pathway.
  • No adapted tours are planned.
  • No adapted didactic support is available.
  • The exhibition is not adapted, since the content is mainly visual.
  • Only a small part of the exhibition content is adapted (touch, smell, hearing).
  • There is no audio description.

As it is a church, it is poorly lit and the level of light depends on the brightness outside. Depending on the weather, it can be dark inside the church.

Strong points

  • The entrance is easy to identify.
  • The doors can be easily crossed in autonomy.
  • The majority of the works are visible at close range.

Points of attention

Access road from the car park
  • The staircases are not secured.
Access road from the street
  • There are no guide-lines.
  • The staircases are not secured.
  • There is no doorbell at the entrance and the staff does not see the persons wanting to enter.
  • The staff does not see the persons who arrive and can‘t offer assistance.
  • The door does not contrast with its environment.
  • The lighting is not sufficient.
  • Reflections or backlighting can impair vision.
  • The lighting is not continuous.
  • The signage is insufficient for orientation.
Horizontal circulation
  • There are no guide-lines in contrasting colour facilitating circulation.
  • The pathway presents punctually a passage height of less than 2m.
  • There is at least one non-secured step in the logical pathway.
  • There is at least one non-secured ramp in the logical pathway.
  • The lighting is not continuous.
  • The written explanations are hard to read.
  • There is no visitor guide in large characters.
  • An audio-guide is available, but does not adapt itself automatically to the visitor‘s progress.
  • No adapted tours are planned.

As it is a church, it is poorly lit and the level of light depends on the brightness outside. The tour is entirely visual.

The audio guide can be downloaded online and is dubbed with easy-to-understand text.

There is no sign language or written explanations.

There is a lack of signage.

Strong points

  • The car park is freely accessible.
  • The entrance is easy to find.
  • The building is easy to find.
  • The opening hours are displayed next to the door.
  • The doors can be easily crossed in autonomy.
  • The institution can be contacted by email.
  • The premises are easy to understand.
  • It is possible to connect to the mobile networks, 3G or 4G.
Adapted sanitary
  • It is possible to see whether a toilet is occupied or free.
  • The toilets are easy to find.
  • The displayed content is mainly visual.
  • A significant part of the exhibition content is adapted (touch, smell, sight).

Points of attention

  • The is no mobile number under which to contact the institution.
  • Badly lit areas make lip reading difficult.
  • The lighting is not continuous.
  • There is no easy to read support.
  • Badly lit areas make lip reading difficult.

As it is a church, it is poorly lit and the level of light depends on the brightness outside. The tour is entirely visual.

The audio guide can be downloaded online and is backed up by easy-to-understand text.

There is a lack of signage.

Strong points

  • The car park is freely accessible.
  • The entrance is easy to find.
  • The building is easy to find.
  • The opening hours are displayed next to the door.
  • The doors can be easily crossed in autonomy.
  • The institution can be contacted by email.
  • The premises are easy to understand.
  • An reference person is available upon prior request.
Adapted sanitary
  • It is possible to see whether a toilet is occupied or free.
  • The environment is calm.
  • The displayed content is mainly visual.
  • Written explanations are available.

Points of attention

  • There is no doorbell.
  • The is no mobile number under which to contact the institution.
Magnetic induction loop
  • There is no mobile induction loop.
  • Badly lit areas make lip reading difficult .
  • There is no easy to read support.
  • Badly lit areas make lip reading difficult .

The tour is mainly visual. The audioguide, which can be downloaded online, is backed up by easy-to-understand text, and the signs are relatively simple.

As this is a church, it is poorly lit and the level of light depends on how bright it is outside. Depending on the weather, the interior can be dark.

Strong points

  • The entrance is easy to find.
  • The building is easy to find.
  • The opening hours are displayed next to the door.
Horizontal circulation
  • The location is calm.
Adapted sanitary
  • The toilets are easy to find.
  • There is no need to by a ticket in advance.
  • The location is calm.

Points of attention

  • The staff does not see the persons who arrive.
Horizontal circulation
  • The location is dark.
  • There is no easy to read support.
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