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Église Saint-Martin à Comblain-au-Pont

The church of Saint-Martin de Comblain-au-Pont, located in the picturesque Belgian commune, stands proudly in the heart of the village, overlooking the Amblève river. Its rich history and remarkable architecture make it a must-see for visitors to the region.

Access to the church :

  • Main entrance: via steps and a fairly steep slope (20%).
  • Alternative entrance: accessible from the rear of the church, but you also have to climb the 20% slope to get there.

Strong points

  • It is possible to drop a person off near the entrance.
  • The building is easy to find.

Strong points

  • There is at least 1 reserved parking space less than 100 metres from the entrance.
  • The building is easy to identify.
  • The entrance is easy to identify.
Adapted sanitary
  • The adapted toilet is easy to find.
  • An adapted toilet is available, well signalled and easy to use.

Points of attention

  • There are steps in the entrance.
  • There are several entrances and they are not all accessible.
Horizontal circulation
  • There are several steps to negotiate.

Strong points

  • There is at least 1 reserved parking space less than 50 metres from the entrance.
  • The entrance is easy to identify.
Adapted sanitary
  • There is a toilet with grab bars and it is easy to use.

Points of attention

  • The staff does not see the persons who arrive.
  • There are more than 3 steps in the entrance.
Horizontal circulation
  • There are some steps without handrail.

Strong points

Guide dog
  • Assistance dogs are accepted.
  • The entrance is easy to identify.
  • The entrance is located in the logical continuation of the pathway.
Horizontal circulation
  • The dangerous objects in the pathway are secured.
  • Circulation is free from obstacles.

Points of attention

Access road from the street
  • The staircases are not secured.

Strong points

  • The entrance is easy to identify.
  • The entrance is located in the logical continuation of the pathway.
Horizontal circulation
  • Circulation is free from obstacles.
  • The dangerous objects in the pathway are secured.

Points of attention

Access road from the street
  • The staircases are not secured.

The building has obtained Access-i certification for its tourist function. There are currently no adapted tours for the deaf, but the tour content is sufficiently visual to be accessible to all.

Strong points

  • The entrance is easy to find.
  • The building is easy to find.

Points of attention

  • A part of the content is inaccessible, as it is acoustic.

The building has obtained Access-i certification for its tourist function. There are currently no adapted tours for the deaf, but the tour content is sufficiently visual to be accessible to all.

Strong points

  • The entrance is easy to find.
  • The building is easy to find.
  • The environment is calm.

Points of attention

Magnetic induction loop
  • There is no mobile induction loop.

Strong points

  • The entrance is easy to find.
  • The building is easy to find.
  • The reception is calm.
Horizontal circulation
  • The location is calm.
  • The location is well lit.

Points of attention

Vertical circulation
  • The staircases are not secure.
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