Eglise Saint-Servais de Berneau
L'Eglise de Berneau, construite entre 1846 et 1847 par M. Berleur, de Verviers, est un édifice néo-classique, en briques et calcaire, formé d'une tour carrée prolongée par un vaisseau à trois nefs, terminé par un chœur à chevet plat.
Cet édifice est surtout connu pour son orgue classé que vous pourrez admirer de la nef son accès étant difficile. Cet instrument attribué aux frères Molinghen, facteurs d'orgues de Mortier, est le plus important de leur production et aussi un des mieux conçus. Il date du milieu du 19e siècle. Pour des raisons organologiques, esthétiques et culturelles, cet orgue, témoin de l'art de la facture d'orgue régionale, a été classé en 1991.
La visite de l'édifice vous permettra aussi d'admirer un autel-retable de la deuxième moitié du XVIII. s., un confessional du milieu de 18e siècle, des fonts baptismaux dont la cuve date de 1576 ainsi que bien d'autres trésors.
L'accès à l'église en visite libre est possible durant les heures d'ouverture (hors culte). Des visites guidées peuvent être organisées sur demande. Il existe une multitude de zones de repos dans l'église (dans la nef et le choeur).
- In general
- in wheelchair Independently accessible to people in wheelchair
- walking with difficulties Independently accessible to people walking with difficulties
- blind An information sheet is available for the accessibility of people blind
- visualy impaired An information sheet is available for the accessibility of people visualy impaired
- deaf Accessible with a occasionnal help for people deaf
- hard of hearing Accessible with a occasionnal help for people hard of hearing
- with difficulty understanding Independently accessible to people with difficulty understanding
In general
Points of attention
Field of analysis
- The building’s park has not been analysed.
People in weelchair
Strong points
- There is at least 1 reserved parking space less than 100 metres from the entrance.
Access road from the street
- There is no step to negotiate.
- The floor is regular and free of obstacles.
- The floor is hard.
- There is no step in the entrance.
Horizontal circulation
- There is no step to negotiate.
- All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
People walking with difficulties
Strong points
- There is at least 1 reserved parking space less than 100 metres from the entrance.
Access road from the street
- There is no step to negotiate.
- The floor is regular.
- The floor is hard.
- There is no step in the entrance.
Horizontal circulation
- There is no step to negotiate.
- All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
- There are seats in every space of the exhibition.
Personnes aveugles
Points of attention
Access road from the street
- There are no guide-lines.
- There are dangerous objects in the pathway.
- The car park must be crossed in order to reach the entrance.
Horizontal circulation
- There are dangerous objects in the pathway.
- No adapted tours are planned.
Personnes malvoyantes
Points of attention
Access road from the street
- There are no guide-lines.
- There are dangerous objects in the pathway.
Horizontal circulation
- There are dangerous objects in the pathway.
- No adapted tours are planned.
Personnes sourdes
Strong points
- The building is easy to find.
Points of attention
- There is no easy to read support.
- There are no organised guided tours in sign language.
Personnes malentendantes
Strong points
- The entrance is easy to find.
- The building is easy to find.
Points of attention
- There is no easy to read support.
Personnes avec difficultés de compréhension
Strong points
- The building is easy to find.
Points of attention
- There is no easy to read support.