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Le Dieweg

The Dieweg is a sports centre with a multi-sports hall, outdoor and indoor tennis courts, a fitness centre, a club house and a football pitch.

As Uccle is built on a hill, the configuration of the Dieweg sports complex is on several levels. Private vehicles are not allowed on the fully fenced site.

In the Access-i analysis, only the sports hall was assessed, but tennis is possible for certain categories. The sports hall has been fully equipped for disabled people but unfortunately its external access road has not been made independently accessible. Obligatory assistance is required to get over the slopes and the outside paths.

The club house has been fitted with an access ramp, sufficiently wide doors and an adapted toilet.

(DeepL Translation)

Strong points

  • It is possible to drop a person off near the entrance.
  • The building is easy to find.

Points of attention

  • There is no reference person to welcome and accompany the persons with special needs.
  • There is no staff available to help negotiate obstacles.
  • The location is complex and the signage is insufficient for orientation.

Strong points

  • There is at least 1 parking space less than 100 metres from the entrance.
  • It is possible to drop a person off near the entrance.
Access road from the car park
  • Most of the transit areas are sufficiently large.
  • The lighting is sufficient.
Access road from the street
  • Most of the transit areas are sufficiently large.
  • All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
  • The lighting is sufficient.
  • The building is easy to identify.
  • The passage width of the doors measures at least 85 cm.
  • The lighting is sufficient.
Horizontal circulation
  • There is no step to negotiate.
  • The floor is regular and free of obstacles.
  • The passage width of the doors measures at least 85 cm.
  • The lighting is sufficient.
Dining room
  • Some tables allow a correct positioning in a wheelchair.
  • The width of circulations is sufficient.
  • Service is provided at the table by the staff.
  • The staff is available to help people sit at a table, choose, serve themselves, pay...
  • The passage width of the doors measures at least 85 cm.
  • Some tables allow a correct positioning in a wheelchair.
  • The lighting is sufficient.
Shower room
  • The adapted shower is equipped with a seat and grab bars.
  • The sink is accessible and it is easy to use.
  • There is an adapted toilet and it is easy to use.
  • The passage width of the doors measures at least 85 cm.
  • The door can be crossed in autonomy.
  • The lighting is sufficient.

Points of attention

  • There are no reserved parking spaces.
Access road from the car park
  • There are several steps to negotiate.
  • The access path has a significant super-elevation.
  • The floor is hardly passable.
  • There is at least one too steep ramp.
  • The access path has a super-elevation.
  • The signage is insufficient for orientation.
Access road from the street
  • There are several steps to negotiate.
  • The access path has a significant super-elevation.
  • The floor is hardly passable.
  • The entrance is hard to identify.
  • There are steps in the entrance.
  • There is no doorbell at the entrance and the staff does not see the persons wanting to enter.
  • The staff does not see the persons who arrive.
  • The signage is insufficient for orientation.
  • The counter is too high.
  • There is no reference person to welcome and accompany the persons with special needs.
Horizontal circulation
  • The width of the hallways is insufficient.
  • The signage is insufficient for orientation.
Adapted sanitary
  • The adapted toilet is hard to find.
Changing room
  • There is no adapted locker room.

Strong points

  • It is possible to drop a person off near the entrance.
  • The passage width of the doors measures at least 85 cm.
  • The lighting is sufficient.
Access road from the car park
  • The floor is regular.
  • The building is easy to identify.
  • The main entrance is accessible.
  • The passage width of the doors measures at least 85 cm.
  • The lighting is sufficient.
  • Seats are available near the reception.
Horizontal circulation
  • There is no step to negotiate.
  • Circulation is easy everywhere.
  • The width of the hallways is sufficient.
  • The passage width of the doors measures at least 85 cm.
  • The lighting is sufficient.
Adapted sanitary
  • There is a toilet with grab bars and it is easy to use.
  • The passage width of the doors measures at least 85 cm.
  • The lighting is sufficient.
Dining room
  • The staff is available to help people sit at a table, choose, serve themselves, pay...
  • The width of circulations is sufficient.
  • The lighting is sufficient.
Shower room
  • The adapted shower is equipped with a seat and grab bars.
  • There is a toilet with grab bars and it is easy to use.
  • The passage width of the doors measures at least 85 cm.
  • The door can be crossed in autonomy.
  • The lighting is sufficient.

Points of attention

  • The reserved parking spaces are located further than 100 metres from the entrance.
Access road from the car park
  • There are no seats along the pathway.
  • There are more than 6 steps to negotiate.
  • There are a few steps, with no handrail, to negotiate.
  • The entrance is hard to identify.
  • There is no doorbell at the entrance and the staff does not see the persons wanting to enter.
  • The staff does not see the persons who arrive.
Vertical circulation
  • The staircases do not have handrails.
  • There is no lift.
Adapted sanitary
  • The toilet is not properly signalled.
  • The signage is insufficient for orientation.

Strong points

Guide dog
  • Assistance dogs are accepted.
  • The reception is located in front of the entrance.
  • The reception has no glass partition.
  • The location is structured in a simple and intuitive way.
Horizontal circulation
  • Circulation is free from obstacles.
  • The doors can be easily crossed in autonomy.
Dining room
  • The staff is available to help people : sit at a table, choose, serve themselves, pay...

Points of attention

Access road from the car park
  • There are no guide-lines in the large pathways.
  • The staircases are not secured.
  • The car park must be crossed in order to reach the entrance.
Access road from the street
  • There are no guide-lines.
  • The pedestrian crossings are not secured by tactile tiles.
  • The car park must be crossed in order to reach the entrance.
  • There is no device allowing the identification of the entrance.
  • The entrance is hard to find.
  • There is no doorbell at the entrance and the staff does not see the persons wanting to enter.
  • The reception is in a noisy environment.
  • The staff does not see the persons coming into the building and cannot assist them .
  • The visual information is not backed up by a voice announcement.
Vertical circulation
  • There is no lift.
  • The staircases do not have handrails.
  • The staircases are not secured by warning tiles at their top.

Strong points

Access road from the car park
  • Natural or artificial guide-lines facilitate circulation.
Access road from the street
  • The path contrasts with its environment.
  • The lighting is sufficient.
Horizontal circulation
  • Circulation is free from obstacles.
  • Guide-lines in contrasting colour facilitate circulation.
  • The contrast between the floor and the walls facilitates circulation.
  • The lighting is sufficient.
Dining room
  • The staff is available to help people sit at a table, choose from the menu, serve themselves, pay...

Points of attention

Access road from the car park
  • The pedestrian crossings are not secured by tactile tiles.
Access road from the street
  • The pedestrian crossings are not secured by tactile tiles.
  • There is no device allowing the identification of the entrance.
  • The entrance is hard to find.
  • There is no doorbell at the entrance and the staff does not see the persons wanting to enter.
  • The staff does not see the persons who arrive and can‘t offer assistance.
  • The signage is insufficient for orientation.
  • There is no reference person to welcome and accompany the persons with special needs.
  • The staff does not see the persons coming into the building and cannot assist them.
  • The reception is not located in the logical continuation of the pathway.
  • The reception is in a noisy environment.
Horizontal circulation
  • The glass walls and doors are not secured by a contrasting visual marking.
Vertical circulation
  • There is no lift.
  • The stair steps are not contrasting.
  • The staircases do not have handrails.
  • The signage is insufficient for orientation.
Dining room
  • The menus and cards are hard to read.

Strong points

  • The car park is freely accessible.
  • The building is easy to find.
  • The doors can be easily crossed in autonomy.
  • The lighting is sufficient.
  • The structure of the location is simple and makes it possible to find the way and orient oneself easily.
  • The reception is open, well lit and allows lip reading.
  • The reception is easy to find and close to the entrance.
  • The institution can be contacted by fax.
  • The institution can be contacted by email.
  • The premises are easy to understand.
  • The lighting is sufficient.
  • The structure of the location is simple and makes it possible to find the way and orient oneself easily.
  • It is possible to connect to the mobile networks, 3G or 4G.
  • The lighting is sufficient and allows lip reading.
Adapted sanitary
  • It is possible to see whether a toilet is occupied or free.
  • The doors can be easily crossed in autonomy.
  • The lighting is sufficient.

Points of attention

  • The entrance is hard to find.
  • There is no doorbell.
  • The staff does not see the persons who arrive.
  • The is no mobile number under which to contact the institution.
  • There is no staff member practicing sign language.
Dining room
  • There is no round or oval table for X persons.
  • The menus and cards are presented in a classical fashion.
  • Reflections or backlighting can impair vision.

Strong points

  • The car park is freely accessible.
  • The building is easy to find.
  • The doors can be easily crossed in autonomy.
  • The institution can be contacted by fax.
  • The institution can be contacted by email.
  • The lighting is sufficient and allows lip reading.
Dining room
  • The lighting is sufficient and allows lip reading.

Points of attention

  • The entrance is hard to find.
  • There is no doorbell.
  • The staff does not see the persons who arrive.
  • Depending on attendance, the reception can be very noisy.
  • The is no mobile number under which to contact the institution.
Magnetic induction loop
  • There is no mobile induction loop.
Adapted sanitary
  • It is impossible to see whether a toilet is occupied or free.
  • The signage is insufficient for orientation.
Dining room
  • Depending on attendance, there can be a lot of noise.
  • Reflections or backlighting can impair vision.

Strong points

  • The building is easy to find.
  • It is possible to pay in cash (coins and notes).
  • The doors can be easily crossed in autonomy.
  • The lighting is sufficient.
Dining room
  • It is possible to pay in cash (coins and notes).
  • The location is well lit.
  • The staff is available to help people: sit at a table, choose in the menu, serve themselves, pay...

Points of attention

  • The entrance is hard to find.
  • There is no doorbell.
  • The staff does not see the persons who arrive.
  • Sometimes, the reception is very noisy.
  • The signage is insufficient for orientation.
Horizontal circulation
  • The location is noisy.
Adapted sanitary
  • The toilets are hard to find.
  • The signage is insufficient for orientation.
Dining room
  • The menus and cards are presented in a classical fashion.
  • The location is noisy.
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