Support :
The project to audit and certify 11 museums was made possible by the valuable support of :
Mini-Europe is an open-air park where all the wonders of Europe are displayed in miniature. Bonsai trees, flowering groves and dwarf trees provide a backdrop for 350 monuments meticulously reproduced on a scale of 1:25. Thousands of figurines and visual and sound animations that are truer to life! Trigger the eruption of Vesuvius or watch the Ariane rocket take off. Two hours of entertaining and instructive strolling will allow you to (re)discover the 27 member countries of the European Union + United Kingdom and their historical, architectural and cultural riches.
Mini-europe is located in the heart of Bruparck. There are three possible car parks to get there:
- Via the Bruparck car park on Boulevard du Centenaire
- Via the Football Avenue
- Via the Avenue du Championnat
The most accessible PRM access and the one with the most reserved parking spaces is the one on Avenue de Championnat.
The site has a cafeteria, a secondary exhibition and a shop, in addition to the park. It is important to note that it is the park that is certified and not the secondary areas mentioned above.
- In general
- in wheelchair An information sheet is available for the accessibility of people in wheelchair
- walking with difficulties An information sheet is available for the accessibility of people walking with difficulties
- blind An information sheet is available for the accessibility of people blind
- visualy impaired An information sheet is available for the accessibility of people visualy impaired
- deaf Accessible with a occasionnal help for people deaf
- hard of hearing Accessible with a occasionnal help for people hard of hearing
- with difficulty understanding Independently accessible to people with difficulty understanding
In general
Visual, sound and interactive open-air exhibition.
Guided tours can be booked by email or telephone. They are led by professional tour guides who are not trained to welcome people with special needs.
The park guide is available in 11 languages and can be downloaded from the website.
Strong points
- There is staff available to help negotiate obstacles.
- There is staff available to direct and guide.
- The signage makes it possible to find the way and orient oneself easily.
- The building is easy to find.
Points of attention
- There is no reference person to accompany the persons with special needs.
People in weelchair
All models are visible and most sound and interactive features can be used by a person in a wheelchair.
- The reserved parking spaces are located approximately 600m from the entrance with no drop-off facilities nearby.
- There is a rail to pass the entrance which generates a 2cm step which is not bevelled.
Strong points
Access road from the car park
- All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
- There is no step to negotiate.
- The signage makes it possible to find the way and orient oneself easily.
- The building is easy to identify.
- The entrance is easy to identify.
- The counter is at the correct height.
- There is staff available to help negotiate obstacles.
Horizontal circulation
- There is no step to negotiate.
- The floor is regular and free of obstacles.
- The width of the pathways is sufficient.
- All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
- All the content of the exhibition is accessible and visible.
Points of attention
- The payment device is difficult to use.
Adapted sanitary
- The toilet is not properly equipped.
People walking with difficulties
- The parking spaces are located approximately 600m from the entrance with no drop-off facilities nearby. Seats are available for the last 200m.
- The path has significant slopes and/or inclines.
- There is a rail to pass the entrance which generates a 2cm non-bevelled step.
- The PRM toilet is poorly equipped.
Strong points
Access road from the car park
- There is no step to negotiate.
- The entrance is easy to identify.
- The staff sees the persons who arrive and can offer assistance.
- The building is easy to identify.
- The main entrance is accessible.
- Wheelchairs are available.
Horizontal circulation
- There is no step to negotiate.
- Circulation is easy everywhere.
- The floor is regular and free of obstacles.
- The width of the pathways is sufficient.
- There are seats along the pathway.
Points of attention
- The reserved parking spaces are located further than 100 metres from the entrance.
- There are no seats near the reception.
Personnes aveugles
Note: In our analysis, we assume that blind people come accompanied when visiting museums.
Indeed, our experience has highlighted this aspect.
It is possible to book a guided tour with a guide in order to get a description of the models and information about the exhibition. (NB: the guide is not trained to welcome people with special needs or to use audio description).
Strong points
Guide dog
- Assistance dogs are accepted.
- The entrance is located in the logical continuation of the pathway.
- The staff sees the persons coming into the building and can assist them.
- The reception is located in the logical continuation of the pathway.
Points of attention
Access road from the car park
- There are no guide-lines in the large pathways.
- The staircases are not secured.
- There is a non-secured ramp in the pathway.
Access road from the street
- There are no guide-lines.
- The staircases are not secured.
- The visual information is not backed up by a voice announcement.
- No adapted didactic support is available.
- The exhibition is not adapted, since the content is mainly visual.
- There is no audio description.
Personnes malvoyantes
It is possible to book a guided tour with a guide in order to get a description of the models and information about the exhibition. (NB: the guide is not trained to welcome people with special needs or to use audio description).
Strong points
Access road from the car park
- There is contrast.
Access road from the street
- The path contrasts with its environment.
- The entrance is located in the logical continuation of the pathway.
- The staff sees the persons coming into the building and can assist them.
- The reception is located in the logical continuation of the pathway.
Horizontal circulation
- Circulation is free from obstacles.
- The furniture contrasts with its environment.
Points of attention
Access road from the car park
- The staircases are not secured.
- The ramp is not secured on the void side.
Access road from the street
- The staircases are not secured.
- There is no reference person to accompany the persons with special needs.
- Reflections or backlighting can impair vision.
- The visual information is not backed up by a voice announcement.
- There is no visitor guide in large characters.
- Due to the configuration of the premises, a part of the content is difficult to access.
Personnes sourdes
Le contenu sonore de l'exposition contient les hymnes des pays et des bruits d'ambiances
Strong points
- The entrance is easy to find.
- The building is easy to find.
- The opening hours are displayed next to the door.
- The rates are displayed next to the door.
- The reception is easy to find and close to the entrance.
- The institution can be contacted by email.
- The auditory information is backed up visually.
- The rates are displayed in the reception.
- The premises are easy to understand.
- It is possible to connect to the mobile networks, 3G or 4G.
Adapted sanitary
- It is possible to see whether a toilet is occupied or free.
- The displayed content is mainly visual.
- The lighting is sufficient and allows lip reading.
Points of attention
- The reception has a glass partition or is badly lit and does not allow lip reading.
- There is no staff member practicing sign language.
- There is no easy to read support.
Personnes malentendantes
The sound content of the exhibition contains country anthems and background sounds
Strong points
- The entrance is easy to find.
- The building is easy to find.
- The opening hours are displayed next to the door.
- The rates are displayed next to the door.
- The reception is easy to find and close to the entrance.
- The institution can be contacted by email.
- The auditory information is backed up visually.
- The rates are displayed in the reception.
- The premises are easy to understand.
Adapted sanitary
- It is possible to see whether a toilet is occupied or free.
- The displayed content is mainly visual.
- The lighting is sufficient and allows lip reading.
Points of attention
- Depending on attendance, the reception can be very noisy.
- The counter has a glass partition and there is no sound amplification.
Magnetic induction loop
- There is no mobile induction loop.
- Badly lit areas make lip reading difficult .
- There is no easy to read support.
Personnes avec difficultés de compréhension
Strong points
- The entrance is easy to find.
- The building is easy to find.
- The opening hours are displayed next to the door.
- The rates are displayed next to the door.
- The reception is easy to find and close to the entrance.
- It is possible to pay in cash (coins and notes).
- A priority access is possible.
- The signage makes it possible to find the way and orient oneself easily.
- There is staff available to help negotiate obstacles.
- There is staff available to direct and guide.
- Guided visits adapted to children are organised.
- There is no need to by a ticket in advance.
- The exhibition is varied (touch, smell, sight, hearing).
- The signage makes it possible to find the way and orient oneself easily.