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Musée bruxellois du Moulin et de l'Alimentation

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Located in the magnificent Moulin d'Evere and surrounded by a listed park, the Mill and Food Museum is a unique site in town.
You will discover the history of the windmill as well as an annual temporary exhibition on the theme of food.

There are two possible entrances to the Moulin d'Evere site.
The entrance from Rue du Moulin à Vent has a flat paving stone floor. The entrance from Rue du Tilleul is made of curved paving stones and the access road is degraded.
A "drop-off" point in front of the building entrance is available on request.

Strong points

  • The building is easy to find.

Points of attention

  • There is no reference person to welcome and accompany the persons with special needs.
  • There is no specific map available (indicating the accessible pathways and equipment).
Field of analysis
  • The building’s park has not been analysed.

There are two possible entrances to the Moulin d'Evere site.
The entrance from Rue du Moulin à Vent has a flat paving stone floor. The entrance from Rue du Tilleul is made of curved paving stones and the access road is degraded.
A "drop-off" point in front of the building entrance is available on request.
The parking is on the road.
The second floor is not accessible to wheelchair users.


Strong points

  • It is possible to drop a person off near the entrance.
Access road from the street
  • All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
  • There is a step of 2 cm maximum to negotiate but it is bevelled.
  • The building is easy to identify.
  • The entrance is easy to identify.
  • The main entrance is accessible.
  • The staff sees the persons who arrive and can offer assistance.
  • The payment device is easy to use.
  • The free space in front of the counter is sufficiently big.
  • The counter is at the correct height.
Horizontal circulation
  • The steps can be bypassed by a well-indicated alternative pathway.
  • The floor is regular .
  • The width of the hallways is sufficient.
Vertical circulation
  • There is a lift.
Adapted sanitary
  • The adapted toilet is easy to find.
  • There is an accessible sink in the adapted toilet.
  • The majority of the content of the exhibition is accessible and visible.

Points of attention

  • There is no car park.
Access road from the street
  • The access path has a significant super-elevation.
Vertical circulation
  • The lift does not serve all the floors open to the public.
  • Help is needed to open the door.
  • There is at least one too steep ramp.
Adapted sanitary
  • There is an adapted toilet, but it is difficult to access.
  • The passage width of the doors measures between 80 and 85 cm.

There are two possible entrances to the Moulin d'Evere site.
The entrance from Rue du Moulin à Vent has a flat paving stone floor. The entrance from Rue du Tilleul is made of curved paving stones and the access road is degraded.
A "drop-off" point in front of the building entrance is available on request.
The parking is on the road.


Strong points

  • There is at least 1 parking space less than 100 metres from the entrance.
Access road from the street
  • There are seats along the pathway.
  • All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
  • There is no step to negotiate.
  • The floor is hard.
  • The entrance is easy to identify.
  • The staff sees the persons who arrive and can offer assistance.
  • The building is easy to identify.
  • The main entrance is accessible.
  • Seats are available near the reception.
Wainting room
  • There are seats.
Horizontal circulation
  • The floor is hard.
  • The width of the hallways is sufficient.
  • There are seats along the pathway.
Adapted sanitary
  • There is a toilet with grab bars and it is easy to use.
  • There is a sink in the adapted toilet.
  • The adapted toilet is easy to find.
  • There are seats in every space of the exhibition.

Points of attention

Access road from the street
  • The access path has a significant super-elevation.
Horizontal circulation
  • There is a staircase with more than 6 steps to negotiate.
Vertical circulation
  • The staircases are not secure.
  • The lift does not serve all the floors open to the public.
  • There is at least one too steep ramp.
  • Due to the configuration of the premises, a part of the content is difficult to access.

Note: In our analysis, we assume that blind people come accompanied when visiting museums.

Indeed, our experience has highlighted this aspect.

Strong points

Access road from the street
  • Circulation is free from obstacles.
Guide dog
  • Assistance dogs are accepted.
  • The staff sees the persons who arrive and can offer assistance .
  • The reception is in a quiet environment.
  • The reception has no glass partition.
Vertical circulation
  • The staircases have at least one handrail.
  • It is possible to touch exhibits.

Points of attention

  • There is no device allowing the identification of the entrance.
  • The entrance is hard to find.
  • The reception is hard to find.
  • The visual information is not backed up by a voice announcement.
Horizontal circulation
  • There are dangerous objects in the pathway.
  • There is at least one non-secured step in the logical pathway.
  • The pathway presents punctually a passage height of less than 2m.
Vertical circulation
  • The staircases are not secured by warning tiles at their top.
  • The staircases are not secure.
  • No adapted tours are planned.
  • No adapted didactic support is available.
  • The exhibition is not adapted, since the content is mainly visual.
  • There is no audio description.

The entrance from Rue du Moulin à Vent has a flat paving stone floor. The entrance from Rue du Tilleul has a curved cobbled surface and the access road is degraded.

Strong points

  • The staff sees the persons who arrive and can offer assistance.
  • The reception is in a quiet environment.
Vertical circulation
  • The lift can be used in autonomy or staff is available to help.
  • The majority of the works are visible at close range.

Points of attention

Access road from the street
  • There are no guide-lines.
  • There is no device allowing the identification of the entrance.
  • There is no reference person to welcome and accompany the persons with special needs.
  • The reception is not located in the logical continuation of the pathway.
  • The visual information is not backed up by a voice announcement.
Horizontal circulation
  • There are no guide-lines in contrasting colour facilitating circulation.
  • The pathway presents punctually a passage height of less than 2m.
  • There is at least one non-secured step in the logical pathway.
Vertical circulation
  • The stair steps are not contrasting.
  • The staircases are not secure.
  • The floor numbers are not clearly indicated at each landing.
  • The written explanations are hard to read.
  • There is no visitor guide in large characters.
  • No adapted tours are planned.

On-street parking in Rue du Moulin à vent or Rue du Tilleul.

Strong points

  • The entrance is easy to find.
  • The building is easy to find.
  • The staff sees the persons who arrive and can offer assistance.
  • The opening hours are displayed next to the door.
  • The rates are displayed next to the door.
  • The reception is open, well lit and allows lip reading.
  • The reception is easy to find and close to the entrance.
  • The institution can be contacted by email.
  • Wi-Fi is available in this room.
  • The lighting is sufficient and allows lip reading.
Adapted sanitary
  • It is possible to see whether a toilet is occupied or free.
  • The toilets are easy to find.
  • The displayed content is mainly visual.
  • The lighting is sufficient and allows lip reading.

Points of attention

  • There is no staff member practicing sign language.
Vertical circulation
  • It is difficult to know on which floor one is.
  • There is no easy to read support.

On-street parking in Rue du Moulin à vent or Rue du Tilleul.

Strong points

  • The entrance is easy to find.
  • The building is easy to find.
  • The staff sees the persons who arrive and can offer assistance.
  • The opening hours are displayed next to the door.
  • The rates are displayed next to the door.
  • The reception is located in a quiet environment.
  • The reception is open, well lit and allows lip reading.
  • The reception is easy to find and close to the entrance.
  • The institution can be contacted by email.
  • The rates are displayed in the reception.
  • The premises are easy to understand.
  • The lighting is sufficient and allows lip reading.
Adapted sanitary
  • It is possible to see whether a toilet is occupied or free.
  • The environment is calm.
  • The displayed content is mainly visual.
  • Written explanations are available.
  • The lighting is sufficient and allows lip reading.

Points of attention

Magnetic induction loop
  • There is no mobile induction loop.
  • There is no easy to read support.

Strong points

  • The entrance is easy to find.
  • The building is easy to find.
  • The staff sees the persons who arrive and can offer assistance.
  • The rates are displayed next to the door.
  • The reception is calm.
  • The reception is easy to find and close to the entrance.
Vertical circulation
  • The staircases are equipped with at least one secure handrail.
Horizontal circulation
  • The location is calm and well lit.
Adapted sanitary
  • The toilets are easy to find.
  • There is no need to by a ticket in advance.
  • The location is calm and well lit.

Points of attention

Vertical circulation
  • It is difficult to know on which floor one is.
  • There is no audio or visual announcement in the lift.
  • The stair steps are not contrasting.
  • The staircases are not secure.
  • No adapted guided visits are organised.
  • There is no easy to read support.
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