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Musée de la Photographie

The Musée de la Photographie, the contemporary art centre of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles in Charleroi, was inaugurated in 1987 in the former Carmelite monastery of Mont-sur-Marchienne. It is now one of the most important museums of photography in Europe. 

  • To access certain rooms, you need to press a button or scan your ticket to open the doors. 

Strong points

  • A reference person is present to welcome the persons with special needs.
  • There is staff available to direct and guide.
  • The signage makes it possible to find the way and orient oneself easily.
  • A map of the location is distributed at the reception.
  • It is possible to drop a person off near the entrance.
  • The building is easy to find.

Points of attention

  • The location is complex and it is difficult to understand its organisation.
Field of analysis
  • The restaurant has not been analysed.
  • Both leaves of the front door need to be opened.
  • The front door is heavy. Help may be needed to open the door.
  • To access certain rooms, you need to press a button or scan your ticket to open the doors. 
  • The adapted toilet near the restaurant is equipped with a grab bar. The grab rails are off-centre from the axis of the toilet bowl. 

Strong points

  • There is at least 1 reserved parking space less than 100 metres from the entrance.
  • The reserved parking spaces are properly indicated.
  • The reserved parking spaces are sufficiently big and horizontal.
  • It is possible to drop a person off near the entrance.
Access road from the car park
  • All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
  • There is no step to negotiate.
  • The floor is regular and free of obstacles.
Access road from the street
  • All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
  • There is no step to negotiate.
  • The floor is regular and free of obstacles.
  • The building is easy to identify.
  • The entrance is easy to identify.
  • The main entrance is accessible.
  • There is no step in the entrance.
  • The staff sees the persons who arrive and can offer assistance.
  • The payment device is easy to use.
  • The free space in front of the counter is sufficiently big.
  • The counter is at the correct height.
Horizontal circulation
  • There is no step to negotiate.
  • The floor is regular and free of obstacles.
  • The width of the hallways is sufficient.
  • Most of the transit areas are sufficiently large.
Vertical circulation
  • There is a lift.
  • A sufficiently large lift serves all the floors open to the public.
  • The lift can be used in autonomy.
  • The passage width of the door measures at least 85 cm.
Adapted sanitary
  • The adapted toilet is easy to find.
  • An adapted toilet is available, well signalled and easy to use.
  • There is an accessible sink in the adapted toilet.
  • The sink is accessible and it is easy to use.
  • All the content of the exhibition is accessible and visible.

Points of attention

Vertical circulation
  • The depth of the lift car is between 130 and 140 cm.
  • Both leaves of the front door need to be opened.
  • The front door is heavy. You may need help to open the door. 
  • Cane chairs are available at the museum reception desk. 
  • The adapted toilet near the restaurant is equipped with a grab bar. The grab rails are off-centre from the axis of the toilet bowl. 

Strong points

  • There is at least 1 reserved parking space less than 50 metres from the entrance.
  • There is at least 1 parking space less than 50 metres from the entrance.
  • The reserved parking spaces are properly indicated.
  • The reserved parking spaces are sufficiently big and horizontal.
  • It is possible to drop a person off near the entrance.
Access road from the car park
  • All the transit areas are sufficiently large.
  • There is no step to negotiate.
  • The floor is regular.
  • The floor is hard.
Access road from the street
  • There is no step to negotiate.
  • The entrance is easy to identify.
  • The staff sees the persons who arrive and can offer assistance.
  • The building is easy to identify.
  • The main entrance is accessible.
  • There is no step in the entrance.
  • Wheelchairs are available.
  • Seat sticks are available.
Horizontal circulation
  • There is no step to negotiate.
  • Circulation is easy everywhere.
  • The floor is regular and free of obstacles.
  • The floor is regular.
  • Most of the transit areas are sufficiently large.
  • There are seats along the pathway.
Vertical circulation
  • The staircases are equipped with handrails on both sides.
  • The staircases are secure.
  • There is a lift.
  • A lift serves all the floors open to the public.
  • There is a grab bar in the lift.
Adapted sanitary
  • There is a toilet with grab bars and it is easy to use.
  • There is a sink in the adapted toilet.
  • The adapted toilet is easy to find.
  • All the content of the exhibition is accessible.
  • There are seats in every space of the exhibition.
  • Wheelchairs are available.
  • Seat sticks are available.

Points of attention

Access road from the car park
  • There are no seats along the pathway.
  • There are no seats near the reception.
  • To access certain rooms, you need to press a button or scan your ticket to open doors. 
  • The handrails on the stairs are not extended at the ends. 

Strong points

Access road from the car park
  • Guide-lines facilitate circulation.
Guide dog
  • Assistance dogs are accepted.
  • The entrance is easy to identify.
  • The entrance is located in the logical continuation of the pathway.
  • The staff sees the persons who arrive and can offer assistance .
  • The reception is in a quiet environment.
  • The staff sees the persons coming into the building and can assist them.
  • The visual information is backed up by a voice announcement.
Horizontal circulation
  • Circulation is free from obstacles.
  • The location is structured in a simple and intuitive way.
Vertical circulation
  • A lift serves all the floors open to the public.
  • The staircases have at least one handrail.
  • Adapted guided tours are organised upon reservation.

Points of attention

Access road from the street
  • The pedestrian crossings are not secured by tactile tiles.
  • The car park must be crossed in order to reach the entrance.
  • The reception is hard to find.
Vertical circulation
  • The staircases are not secured by warning tiles at their top.
  • To access certain rooms, you need to press a button or scan your ticket to open doors. Devices are not contrasted. 
  • The handrails on the stairs are not extended at the ends. 

Strong points

Access road from the car park
  • Natural or artificial guide-lines facilitate circulation.
  • There are no obstacles.
  • There is contrast.
  • The entrance is easy to identify.
  • The entrance is located in the logical continuation of the pathway.
  • The staff sees the persons who arrive and can offer assistance.
  • The door contrasts with its environment.
  • The reception is located in the logical continuation of the pathway.
  • The reception is in a quiet environment.
  • The visual information is backed up by a voice announcement.
Horizontal circulation
  • Circulation is free from obstacles.
  • Circulation is free from obstacles.
  • The lighting is sufficient and continuous.
Vertical circulation
  • A lift serves all the floors.
  • The lift can be used in autonomy or staff is available to help.
  • The lighting is sufficient and continuous in the staircases.
  • The staircases are equipped with at least one secure handrail.
  • The majority of the works are visible at close range.
  • Adapted guided tours are organised upon reservation.

Points of attention

Access road from the car park
  • The pedestrian crossings are not secured by tactile tiles.
Access road from the street
  • There are no guide-lines.
  • The pedestrian crossings are not secured by tactile tiles.
Horizontal circulation
  • There are no guide-lines in contrasting colour facilitating circulation.
  • The lack of contrast between the floor and the walls makes it difficult to circulate.
Vertical circulation
  • The stair steps are not contrasting.
  • The written explanations are hard to read.
  • There is no visitor guide in large characters.
  • There is little contrast between the walls and the floor, and traffic flows through all-white spaces. 

Strong points

  • The car park is freely accessible.
  • The entrance is easy to find.
  • The building is easy to find.
  • The staff sees the persons who arrive and can offer assistance.
  • The reception is open, well lit and allows lip reading.
  • The reception is easy to find and close to the entrance.
  • The institution can be contacted in writing: text or email.
  • The premises are easy to understand.
  • It is possible to connect to the mobile networks, 3G or 4G.
Vertical circulation
  • The floors of the building are well marked.
  • There is a visual display of the floors in the lift.
  • The lighting is sufficient and allows lip reading.
Adapted sanitary
  • It is possible to see whether a toilet is occupied or free.
  • The toilets are easy to find.
  • The displayed content is mainly visual.
  • The lighting is sufficient and allows lip reading.
  • The lighting is sufficient and continuous all through the visit.

Points of attention

  • There is no information available in sign language.
  • There is no easy to read support.
  • There are no organised guided tours in sign language.

Strong points

  • The car park is freely accessible.
  • The entrance is easy to find.
  • The building is easy to find.
  • The staff sees the persons who arrive and can offer assistance.
  • The reception is located in a quiet environment.
  • The reception is easy to find and close to the entrance.
  • The institution can be contacted in writing: text or email.
  • The auditory information is backed up visually.
  • The premises are easy to understand.
Vertical circulation
  • There is a visual display of the floors in the lift.
  • The lighting is sufficient and allows lip reading.
Adapted sanitary
  • It is possible to see whether a toilet is occupied or free.
  • The environment is calm.
  • The displayed content is mainly visual.
  • Written explanations are available.
  • The lighting is sufficient and allows lip reading.
  • The lighting is sufficient and continuous all through the visit.

Points of attention

  • Depending on attendance, the reception can be very noisy.
Magnetic induction loop
  • There is no mobile induction loop.
  • There is no easy to read support.

Strong points

  • The entrance is easy to find.
  • The building is easy to find.
  • The staff sees the persons who arrive and can offer assistance.
  • The reception is calm.
  • The reception is easy to find and close to the entrance.
Vertical circulation
  • The floors of the building are well marked.
  • The lift is easy to use or staff is available to help.
  • There is an audio announcement in the lift.
  • The lighting is sufficient and continuous in the staircases.
  • The staircases are equipped with at least one secure handrail.
  • The staircases are secure.
Horizontal circulation
  • The location is calm and well lit.
Adapted sanitary
  • The toilets are easy to find.
  • An adapted visit is available upon prior request.
  • The lighting is sufficient and continuous all through the visit.

Points of attention

Vertical circulation
  • The stair steps are not contrasting.
  • A significant part of the exhibition is presented in a classical way.
  • There is no easy to read support.
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