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Ronquières Festival 2024

Strong points

Once again this year, the Ronquières Festival is pursuing its commitment to welcoming people with special needs in the best possible conditions. The following adaptations are planned

  • reserved parking near the Tribord entrance on rue de Rosemont
  • volunteers on hand as soon as you arrive to direct you to the entrances
  • Easier exchange of your ticket for a wristband on the TRIBORD side: there will be wheelchair access from the car park, through the wristband exchange and then to the entrance gantry (wider left-hand lane dedicated to PRMs).
  • Both stages will be equipped with a PRM podium, with volunteers on hand to help you if you need it.
  • Pathways with tread plates to make it easier to get around.
  • A PRM stand next to the entrances, where you'll find wheelchairs if you need them, crutches, an adapted toilet, a fridge, the possibility of recharging the batteries in your chair or mobile phone, and lockers.
  • Adapted toilets throughout the site, particularly near the PRM podiums.
  • Easy payment with the Cashless system. Recharge via the app on your smartphone.
  • Helmets and earplugs available from the Solidaris stand or the PRM stand.
  • The site map is displayed in several places.

Points of attention

  • Please note that weather conditions may make it difficult to move around the festival (muddy ground).
  • The PRM podium for the Colline stage is on a slope. The access path will require the help of volunteers.
  • Please note: we advise you to use the paths with tread plates, as the grass is very dented (rutted).

Strong points

Here are the changes planned:

  • A team of volunteers will be on hand to welcome you as soon as you arrive at the reserved car park near the Starboard entrance (see access procedure on the festival website). The car park is fully surfaced, as is the pathway to the entrance. This car park is free of charge.
  • Easy exchange of your ticket for a wristband on the TRIBORD side: there is a wheelchair access route from the car park, past the wristband exchange, past the lockers and then to the entrance gantry (wider left-hand lane dedicated to PRMs).
  • There will also be a wheelchair access road linking the various areas reserved for PRMs and a tarmac road from the entrance to the first PRM podium.
  • A PRM stand with lockers, fridges, the possibility of recharging the batteries in your chair and an adapted toilet, close to the entrance.
  • A team of trained and identifiable PRM volunteers (T-shirts).
  • Podiums in front of the 2 main stages (Tribord and Colline) with chairs for an accompanying person.
  • Tonelles will be provided on the PRM podiums.
  • Rain capes will be distributed to PRMs who so wish.
  • Adapted toilets at the foot of the PRM podiums + water/gel for washing hands (cleanliness provided by volunteers).
  • The cashless system will be in use throughout the site, with payment by your festival access bracelet: a top-up cash desk will be available.
  • Some bars are accessible via an access ramp and a wheelchair ramp.
  • Wooden pallet tables designed for wheelchair access.
    The site map is displayed in several places.

Points of attention

  • The PRM podium for the Colline stage is on a slope. The planned access path will require the help of volunteers.
  • The density of the crowds in front of certain stands may hinder access.
  • The height of the bars and some foodtrucks is too high. 
  • Caution: the water pumps on the site are too high for a person in a chair.
  • Caution: we advise you to use the paths with tread plates, as the grass is very bumpy (rutted).
  • VIP area not accessible by wheelchair (steps)
  • Campsite not accessible by wheelchair

Strong points

Here are the changes planned: 

  • A team of volunteers will be on hand to welcome you as soon as you arrive at the reserved car park near the Starboard entrance (see access procedure on the festival website). The car park is fully surfaced, as is the pathway to the entrance. This car park is free of charge.
  • An easier access procedure.
  • A tarmac path linking the different areas reserved for PRMs and a tarmac road from the entrance to the first PRM podium.
  • A PRM stand with a rest area, lockers, fridges, chairs, crutches and an adapted toilet close to the entrance.
  • A team of trained PRM volunteers.
  • Podiums in front of the 2 main stages (Tribord and Colline) with chairs.
  • Tonelles will be provided on the PRM podiums.
  • Rain capes will be distributed to PRMs who so wish.
  • Adapted toilets near these and in the various areas toilets + water for washing hands.
  • The site offers plenty of rest areas.
  • The site map is displayed in several places

Points of attention

  • The PRM podium for the Colline stage is on a slope.
  • The density of the crowd in front of certain stands can make it difficult to get around.
  • Please note: we advise you to use the paths with tread plates as the grass is very dented (rutted).

Strong points

A team of volunteers will be on hand to guide you from the moment you arrive at the reserved car park near the Tribord entrance (see access conditions on the festival website). The configuration of the site is linear and not very complex.

The following adaptations are planned

  • easy exchange of your ticket for an access bracelet at the PRM reception desk
  • both stages will be equipped with a PRM podium, with volunteers on hand to help if necessary
  • a pathway on tread plates or a tarmac road that can be used as a guide line to get around the site. 
  • guide dogs will be accepted on site
  • a PRM stand next to the entrances where you can recharge your mobile phone and find lockers and a doggy bar
  • Adapted toilets throughout the site, particularly near the PRM podiums (these will be kept clean throughout the festival)
  • WIFI throughout the site.
  • Cashless payment system that can be managed by smartphone

Points of attention

  • Please note: we advise you to use the paths with tread plates, as the grass is very bumpy (rutted).
  • Please note: tents at the BABORD CLUB have tensioners that cannot be detected with a walking stick or in the pathway.

Strong points

A team of volunteers will be on hand to guide you from the moment you arrive at the reserved car park near the Tribord entrance (see access conditions on the festival website). The configuration of the site is linear and not very complex.

The following adaptations are planned

  • easy exchange of your ticket for an access bracelet at the PRM reception desk
  • both stages will be equipped with a PRM podium, with volunteers on hand to help if necessary
  • a pathway on tread plates or a tarmac road that can be used as a guide to move around the site
  • guide dogs will be accepted on site
  • a PRM stand next to the entrances where you can recharge your mobile phone and find lockers and a doggie bar
  • Adapted toilets throughout the site, particularly near the PRM podiums (these will be kept clean throughout the festival)
  • WIFI throughout the site
  • cashless payment system that can be managed by smartphone
  • high-contrast signage

Points of attention

  • Please note: we advise you to use the paths with tread plates, as the grass is very bumpy (rutted).
    Please note: tents at the BABORD CLUB have tensioners that cannot be detected with a walking stick or in the pathway.

Strong points

  • Clear, consistent signage.
  • WIFI throughout the site.

Points of attention

  • No specific adaptations (no concerts interpreted in sign language).
  • A purely musical festival.
  • No pictograms in the signage (but the site is clear and linear).

Strong points

  • Clear, consistent signage.
  • WIFI throughout the site.

Points of attention

  • No induction loop planned.
  • A purely musical festival.
  • No pictograms in the signage (but the site is clear and linear).

Strong points

  • Reserved parking near the Tribord entrance on rue de Rosemont.
  • Volunteers on hand as soon as you arrive to direct you to the entrances.
  • You can easily exchange your ticket for an access bracelet at the PRM reception desk (an AVIQ flag will be visible to help you).
  • Both stages will be equipped with a PRM podium, with volunteers on hand to help you if you need it.
  • A PRM stand next to the entrances where you'll find wheelchairs if you need them, crutches, an adapted toilet, a fridge, the possibility of recharging your mobile phone and lockers.
  • Adapted toilets throughout the site, particularly near the PRM podiums.
  • The layout of the site is linear and not too complex.
  • Numerous games and gadget stands and quieter rest areas.

Points of attention

  • Please note that the PRM podium on the new Colline stage is on a slope.
  • The conditions for taking part in the festival are the usual ones in terms of noise, crowd density, darkness, etc.
  • No pictograms on the signage (but the site is clear and linear).
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