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Hôtel Van der Valk Verviers - Partie Wellness

Site comprising a hotel, restaurant and wellness area. Each function is assessed separately in a separate sheet. This sheet concerns the wellness area. The hotel and restaurant are in other files.

Plugstreet 14-18 Experience

The interactive interpretation centre focuses on the lives of soldiers and the civilian population. Its semi-subterranean construction is reminiscent of the catacombs, which are now inaccessible. A glass pyramid marks the entrance. Visitors can en…
Sart / Jalhay

Office du Tourisme de Jalhay

Jalhay's tourist office is housed in the Maison Vicariale: the former parish vicar's house was built in the 19th century on the ruins of the old covered market (community house) destroyed by fire in 1825. Jalhay lies at the gatew…

Église Saint-Martin à Dion-le-Val

The church is located in the village of Dion-Le-Val, in the Chaumont-Gistoux district. The church was rebuilt in 1837 by the architect A. Moreau on the site of the original church built around 1211. The neoclassical church of S…

Collégiale Sainte-Waudru

The collegiate church of Sainte-Waudru was first built in the 15th century. It is home to stained glass windows, sculptures and the famous Car d'Or, which is brought out every year during the Mons ducasse.